
How we collect this data

The data provided on CMS Compliance Tracker is compiled using public data sources and is for public information purpose only. We do not warranty the accuracy of the data, if the data in incorrect an option to request update the data is provided here.

  • Step 1 – Collect list of all Health Plans required to comply to CMS Interoperability Mandate (from CMS)

  • Step 2 – Identify the website link for each of the health plans

  • Step 3 – Search for FHIR API endpoint (for Patient Access and Provider) and Developer Portal links , also search for keywords “Patient Access API” and “Interoperability” to see if the end points are discoverable.

  • Step 4 – If APIs exist test the API endpoint links to be accessible

  • Step 5 – Collect the compliance URLs and calculate the compliance levels

  • Step 6 – The data is published on the website and Health Plan has an option to request update if there is a change..